Beverly Thomassian
Beverly Thomassian, RN, MPH, CDE, BC-ADM
Diabetes Care and Education Specialist / Lifestyle Coach
Beverly Thomassian believes in a person-centered, gult-free approach to diabetes care and education. She nderstands that managing diabetes takes a lot of work and can be frustrating. By learning about each person’s approach to health and self-care, she can help with problem solving and overcoming barriers. Beverly has been a Certified Diabetes Educator for over 25 years. She is President of Diabetes Education Services and teaches in the nursing program at UC San Francisco and CSU Chico.
What you can expect from your visit with Beverly:
- Gain a better understanding of your diabetes
- Understand what diabetes lab results and blood sugars mean
- Learn new ways of eating healthier
- Develop a plan to become more active
- Make sure your medications match your needs
- Follow-up with preventive care